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By Tavleen Kaur Nov 29, 2021

The Next-Gen Automation Builder for FunnelKit Automations (Sneak Peek)

This is really exciting!! We're stoked to reveal that FunnelKit Automations, the WordPress Marketing Automation engine is getting a powerful Automation Builder. FunnelKit Automations allows you to create rule-based workflows for your abandoned cart sequences, post-purchase follow-ups, send broadcast emails and SMS campaigns, track the performance and do so much more! And now with the[...]
By Tavleen Kaur Nov 27, 2021

The Funnel Builder 2.0 Sneak Peek: Canvas Mode, A/B Funnel Testing & More

The Funnel Builder version 2.0 is nearly here, yes it's getting ready for its early Beta release in the second or third week of December. This new update will change the way you build, visualize, and test your funnels. In this post, we're excited to share with you the highlights of this release. The Current[...]
By Tavleen Kaur Nov 12, 2021

Introducing WordPress Gutenberg Blocks for Sales Funnels: The Much-Awaited Update Is Here

If you’ve not been living under a rock, you know that Gutenberg is here, it is big and it’s here to stay! After we offered deep integrations with Elementor, Divi, and Oxygen, one request that repeatedly kept coming our way was to include Gutenberg blocks in our roadmap. And hence here we are! I must[...]
By Tavleen Kaur Nov 2, 2021

WishList Member Now Integrates with FunnelKit Automations: Here’s What This Means For You

Wishlist Member is one of the oldest and most reliable platforms for creating your membership site, protecting premium content, and selling digital courses. We've been working on its integration with FunnelKit Automations for quite some time now and it's finally here. In this post, we'll look at what you can achieve with the combined power[...]
By Editorial Team Oct 25, 2021

WordPress Auto Login: How to Make Users Log in By Clicking a Link

This happens all the time. You create courses, membership sites, subscription plans, and send emails asking people to access content or renew their accounts, and more. But they must log in manually i.e. enter their username and password to get access. This process isn't the smoothest, in fact, there's friction involved in the step! What[...]
By Tavleen Kaur Oct 18, 2021

LearnDash Tutorial: How to Create a Free Course Funnel & Get More Paying Customers

There are many LearnDash tutorials out there that show you how to set up LearnDash and create courses. But that’s not why you’re here. In our LearnDash tutorial here, we will go beyond the basics! We tell you how to create a course on LearnDash, but that's not where we stop. You'll discover a ninja[...]
By Tavleen Kaur Oct 6, 2021

Introducing Link Triggers: Initiate Actions on User Clicks (FunnelKit Automations Updates 2021)

Updates! Updates! Updates! It's that time of the year when we're really excited about launching new features, you've been asking us to release in FunnelKit Automations. We do have a list but this post is all about link triggers! Link triggers allow your contacts to tell you what they like and what they'd like to[...]
By Damanjeet Sep 27, 2021

One-Click Upsell Updates 2021: Compatibility with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Payments & More

Our Funnel Builder team has been working on some super useful updates for FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) that you are sure to love. These updates are particularly exciting for those who're using one-click upsells to maximise their average order value. If you too are, sit back and read through as we unbox these updates for you.[...]
By Falguni Thareja Sep 1, 2021

Welcome Email Examples: 15 Emails That Actually Work

"Welcome emails are like online dating" - I read this analogy somewhere, and I think it makes perfect sense. I know it sounds a little weird, but hear me out. You have attracted email subscribers through your lead magnets, attractive forms, or a beautiful website. Now that they have reverted to your first move, ensure[...]
By Falguni Thareja Jul 22, 2021

How to Import and Export Contacts ln and Out of FunnelKit Automations

Importing contacts into FunnelKit Automations is just a matter of few clicks. You can import contacts from various sources such as a CSV file, WordPress and WooCommerce into this WordPress marketing automation plugin. Since FunnelKit Automations communicates very well with your WooCommerce store, it allows you to import all your completed orders. Once imported, you[...]