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How to Send a Broadcast Email from WordPress Dashboard

Editorial Team
May 17, 2024
How to Send a Broadcast Email from WordPress Dashboard

Do you want to know how to send a broadcast email?

Broadcast emails are the emails you send out to your entire audience or specific audience segments in real-time.

Let’s say that you’re all set to launch a new product or an exclusive feature of your product and want to inform your audience about that.

Now, you can send a broadcast campaign to your audience, giving them a sneak peek. This way, broadcast emails can help generate hype, boost sales, earn repeat sales, and more!

If you are a WordPress user, then the job of sending such is not hard at all. With the right broadcasting tool, you can now send email broadcasts to your target audience from your WordPress dashboard.

In this blog, we will talk about what is a broadcast email and how you can send one from WordPress.

What is a broadcast email?

A broadcast email is an email sent to a large group of recipients all at once. Using broadcast emails to send mass messages saves the time and effort of contacting each contact individually.

In most cases, broadcast emails are sent to inform and excite your audience about news and updates related to your brand. Usually, broadcast emails are sent to share

  • Promotional campaigns
  • Special offers
  • Product launch
  • Newsletter etc.  

In short, we can say broadcast emails are a great way of informing people about your brand's latest developments, promotions, and offerings.

Email Broadcast vs. Email Autoresponder

An email broadcast is the process of sending emails to a predefined audience. You need to send or schedule the broadcast email manually. For example, you can message all your subscribers about a new product launch event.

For example, if you're running a sale on US Independence Day (4th July), you'll only inform your US audience about the sale. 

Moreover, you can schedule broadcast emails to be sent at a specific time and date based on your announcement.

On the other hand, autoresponders or triggered emails get sent to users based on their behavior or interaction with a website. An example would be customers receiving welcome emails when they subscribe to your newsletter.

One example of triggered emails would be sending welcome emails to users every time they register on your site. 

Here is a quick overview of the difference between email broadcasts and email auto-responders: 

Topic Email BroadcastEmail Autoresponder
Timing and audienceSent simultaneously to a large audience, often for time-sensitive content or announcementsSent to individual customers when triggered by a special event based on the user's interaction with the website.
PurposeUsually, to update customers about promotions, newsletters, or general announcements.To effectively communicate with customers based on their interaction with the site to nurture and convert them.

Email content Typically, it consists of general content targeting a large audience. The content is dynamic based on the actions of the user that trigger this autoresponder. 
FrequencyUsually, when there is a need to share something with a large audience. Since user actions or predefined conditions trigger autoresponders, their frequency depends on the number of times the event occurs and when autoresponders get triggered. 

Example Examples include promotions, newsletters, and general announcements.Examples include welcome series, order confirmation email, abandoned cart recovery email, etc. 

Types of Broadcast Emails With Examples 

Here are some of the different types of broadcast emails with the example:

1. Product launch/update

Sending broadcast emails to announce a new product launch or the addition of a new feature is a common practice. Most brands send emails to users before product update or launch to create a buzz before the release. 

Have a look at this product launch email by Salt&pepper.

salt and peppar nroadcast email example

We like this email because while the copy is simple and minimalist, the design is on point with the brand. The peppy design is eye-catching and matches their brand. 

2. Newsletter

Using broadcast emails, you can send newsletters mentioning recent events. In addition it’s also a common practice to add some of your recently published blogs. Adding recent events and blogs keeps readers updated and keeps them more engaged with your brand.

Have a look at the newsletter Penguin Random House sends to its subscribers. 


This newsletter divides content into different sections, which makes it easier for readers to read. It highlights the recent best sellers and provides reading material so users can engage more. Moreover, we also like that each section follows with a read more link, which will take users to their site.

3. Sales and offers

Every business owner wants to cash in on the holiday seasons. Offering minimal discounts during holidays can skyrocket your sales. You can send holiday offer emails to both subscribers and non-subscribers. 

Have a look at the holiday offer email by Crello.

crello Christmas holiday email

We like this design,especially the vibrant colors they used. This email gives us a festive vibe and highlights the discount with plain yet effective copywriting. 

4. Promotions

An event invitation email can perfectly let employees know about the "what," "why," "when," and "where" of your event. While calling each of your subscribers or staff members is possible, sending them a well written broadcast email is the better choice. 

Have a look at the email by Hubspot that sends user invitations for a virtual event.

virtual event broadcast email

We like this email because this email is neat and clean.It perfectly adds all the necessary information one needs to know about the virtual event along with a CTA that directs users to more detailed information.

5. Important announcements

 Sometimes you may want to inform your audience about an important update about your business. For example, you may need to inform customers that your site will be down for 2 hours due to maintenance work. Another example can be to inform customers about new policies and so on. 

Have a look at the email Microsoft sent to its users informing them about the security breach they had with Outlook.

microsoft emails broadcast email

This email is straightforward and addresses the topic at hand. It doesn't have any fancy design as it addresses a serious issue. 

🔔 You can also read our blog What is an Email Drip Campaign and How to Create One in WordPress

Why You Should Send Email Broadcasts? 

If you have the emails of your target audience, then email broadcast can be a highly beneficial marketing strategy. Here are some of the positive sides of email broadcasts:

  • Send to all subscribers at once: Broadcast emails enable you to disseminate crucial information to your entire subscriber base, ensuring everyone receives the message without delay or preference.
  • Saves time: By crafting just one email for your entire list, you streamline your communication process, saving valuable time and resources that can be allocated to other essential tasks, such as content creation or strategy development.
  • Builds consistency: Maintaining a uniform message across your entire audience enhances brand trust and identity. With broadcast emails, you can ensure that every subscriber receives the same accurate and up-to-date information, reinforcing your brand's credibility and reliability.
  • Wide reach: Broadcast emails guarantee that no subscriber misses out on important updates, promotions, or announcements. This wide reach ensures that your message reaches every corner of your audience, maximizing engagement and impact.

How to Send a Broadcast email from WordPress?

To send broadcast emails, we are going to use FunnelKit Automations today. 

FunnelKit Automation is an all-in-one email marketing platform for WordPress users.  Some of the reasons to choose this WordPress plugin include : 

  • Prebuilt email templates: FunnelKit Automations provides many prebuilt email templates you can import with a single click and use according to your needs. 
  • Unlimited emails and contacts: With FunnelKit Automations, you can create unlimited contact lists. Moreover, there is no restriction on the number of emails. There, you can broadcast unlimited emails.
  • Segmented broadcast campaigns: You can easily create your audience list or segment existing audiences based on their purchase history, average order value, location, gender, etc.
  • Drag and drop email builder: FunnelKit comes with an advanced level drag and drop email builder that allows you to design beautiful email by dragging and dropping different elements. You don’t need to know any coding.
  • A/B testing: You can A/B test your broadcast email without much work using this helpful plugin. With the smart sending option of FunnelKit, you can send the winning variant to the rest of the contacts.
  • In-depth analytics: You can track open rate, click rate, conversion, revenue, unsubscribed numbers, and other information.

We hope you now understand why we decided to go with FunnelKit Automations. Now, let’s start the main process.

Step 1: Install and activate FunnelKit Automations

The first step is to install and activate FunnelKit Automations. FunnelKit Automations is available in both the free and premium versions. But we'll use the Pro version to set up our email broadcasts.

If you need help activating FunnelKit Pro, check out the installation guide.

Step 2: Add a new broadcast

Hover on the FunnelKit Automations from the WordPress dashboard and click on Broadcast. Then click “Create Email Broadcast” to create a new email broadcast.

create new broadcast

After that, provide a name and click on Add. 

name email broadcast

Clicking on Add will create a new email broadcast.

Clicking on Add will create a new email broadcast. Here, we will create an email broadcast to inform the selected audience about the upcoming holiday offers. 

Step 3: Provide broadcast information 

You can change the broadcast email at this step as well. After that, you need to choose the email type. You can select the email type as 

  • Standard: This default option will send a single email to all the selected contacts. 
  • A/B Test: With this option, you can split-test your broadcast email and create more than one variant of the same. This way, you can find out which works better.

If you want to send the emails to unsubscribers as well, go with the Standard option.

After choosing the option, select the next option

choose broadcast type as standard or ab test

Step 4: Select your audience

You can send your email to all your audience or segment your audience with Funnelkit Automations. To segment your audience, you need to create filters.

Click on the + icon to add a filter.

add new filter

You can segment based on Segments, Contact Details, Users, Custom Fields, WooCommerce, etc. 

We will only send emails to the audience that purchased within the last year. 

🔔 Note: If you want to send your broadcast email to every member of your email list, you don’t need to filter the audience, so skip this filtering part and click Next.

For that, choose WooCommerce. 

woocommerce filter to choose audience for broadcast

Now choose the option last order days.

choose last order date

You can filter last order days by using three options: Over, in the past, and in the period. We are choosing the “in the past” option. Now choose 365 days. Finally, click on Filter to filter the audience. 

set condition to select your audience to send broadcast emails

Now you should see a list of audiences that fulfills the filter you set. Once you have the audience you want to target with your broadcast emails.  Then, click on "Next" to go to the next step. 

click next to select the filtered audiene to send broadcast

Now you should see a list of audiences that fulfills the filter you set. Once you have the audience you want to target with your broadcast emails.  Then, click on Next to go to the next step. 

Step 5: Customize email-related content

In this step, you can change

  • From Name: This will be displayed as the sender's name.
  • From Email: Provide the email from which the broadcast will be sent.
  • Reply-To Email:  Give the email address to which the audience can reply.
set up from name and from email

Step 6: Design the broadcast email 

First, write an email subject line and preview the text. Make sure your subject line is clear and catchy.

subject and preview how to send a broadcast email

To design an email, FunnelKit Automations provides 4 options, of which we will choose Visual Builder (New).

choose visual builder to design email broadcast

Now, you should see many prebuilt templates. We are going to choose the Declaration of Sale. To do this, hover on the template. 

click preview declaration of sale template

Now, import the template.

import declartion of sale template

After importing the email, you can customize it to fit your brand and the offer you want to share with your customers.

Here, we have replaced the top free shipping order text with our offer, updated the banner, and replaced it with our custom banner that highlights our offer.

customize email body content for your broadcast

After you add the banner, make sure you link it to your store shop page so that when users click on the CTA, they are redirected to your store. 

add link to banner of broadcast email

Next, we want to share a coupon code that users can use to avail the discount. For this, we will delete the existing section and replace it with a coupon block. The WooCommerce coupon block is ready-made to beautifully highlight any discount code. 

To delete the section, select the row and click on the three dots at the top right. Then, click the Delete option.

delete existing section

After that, drag and drop the WooCommerce coupon block. 

drag and drop coupon block to email body

After adding the coupon block, select the coupon on the left side and change the coupon block text to match your coupon offer. 

add coupon code to email body

🔔Note: You can add dynamic, personalized coupon in your email using FunnelKit Automations. 

Also, link the shop page to the Shop Now CTA for the coupon block.

add link to shop now CTA

You can add another section by highlighting your best-selling products to entice your customers to make an order. 

🔔 Note: With FunnelKit Automation's product block, you can seamlessly integrate products from your WooCommerce store directly into your email body. 

To add a best-selling section, drag and drop the WooCommerce product block and select the number column you want. We are going with 3. 

select 3 column to display best sellers product

Now, search for and add the product you want to showcase. 

search and add product to best sellers section

Repeat the process to add as many products you want to showcase as best-selling products. 

Each product block, by default, shows the product image, title, price, and a “Buy Now”  button that links directly to that specific product. 

However, if you want you can choose to hide/show any of these elements of this product block.

set up best seller product preview

Once you are done designing your email, Click on Save Changes. After that, you can click on “Preview and Test” to send test emails and figure out how the email will look in a real inbox. 

send test broadcast email

Here is what the email structure and design look like in a user inbox: 

preview WooCommerce broadcast email

Click on Next to move to the next step.

click next to proceed to send broadcast emails

Step 7: Review and send broadcast email

In the last step, you can review your broadcast campaign. You can then go back to the previous step and alter anything you want. 

FunneKit Automations provides two options: you can send your broadcast emails right away or schedule for later. 

If you want to send it right now, choose, click on Broadcast Now, and hit Send Now. 

click on broadcast now

If you want to send an email later, click on Schedule For Later, pick a time and date, and hit Send Now.

how to schedule broadcast for later

And that’s it. Your broadcast emails will be sent to the chosen audience on time. 

🔔 You can also read our blog "How to Send WooCommerce SMS Notifications?"

7 Tips To Ensure Email Broadcasting Success

Now you know how to send broadcast emails, but to ensure you enjoy maximum success, follow these tips: 

  • Time your broadcast wisely 

You need to time your email broadcasts wisely to ensure a good open rate and overall success. Sending emails when your audience is most likely to engage can significantly impact open and click-through rates. 

Sending broadcasts during the mid-morning or early afternoon, when subscribers actively check their inboxes, is usually a good strategy. The optimal time for broadcast emails is generally from 10 a.m. to noon, with engagement declining after 6 p.m. Also, consider the time zone of your target audience to maximize effectiveness.

  • Send emails to people who have opted in.

Buying an e-mail list with tens of thousands of prospects may seem exciting, but in reality it will do more harm than good.

Sending emails to people who haven’t asked for it is considered as SPAM in many countries, and is borderline illegal in some regions.

You are more likely to see success if you only target people who are interested in your product.

  • Segment your audience

Instead of sending broadcasts to all your audience, you can segment your subscriber list, which allows you to deliver more targeted and relevant content to specific groups of recipients.

If your broadcast aims to inform your audience about a general announcement, segmentation may be optional. However, for broadcasts targeting specific audience segments, such as the launch of a new women’s makeup line, filtering your audience based on relevant criteria can enhance targeting effectiveness.

  • Use a catchy email subject and preview.

The first things recipients see when your email arrives in their inbox are the subject line and preview content. So, make sure to write attention-grabbing subject lines and preview text to get users to click on the email. 

Experiment with techniques such as personalization(use customer information like their first name), urgency, or curiosity to pique recipients' interest and increase open rates. You can also use emojis in your email subject line to make them more attractive. 

  • Make sure your email designs are mobile-friendly.

Nowadays, most people check their emails from mobile devices. Therefore, it's important that your emails look good on desktops as well as mobile devices of all sizes and shapes.

With FunnelKit Automation, you can ensure your emails are device-responsive. This plugin's prebuilt templates are also designed with device responsiveness in mind.

  • Provide quality and relevant content.

Getting users to open the email is just the beginning. User engagement is essential for achieving conversions. Providing valuable and relevant content is crucial for keeping subscribers engaged and interested in your emails. 

Whether it's educational resources, exclusive offers, or product updates, prioritize delivering content that aligns with your audience's needs and interests.

  • A/B test, monitor, and adjust your email broadcasts.

A/B test your broadcast to discover what resonates with your audience. Experiment with different email subject lines, body content, or coupon codes. 

Based on the results of your A/B tests, optimize your email broadcast to achieve the best outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Broadcast Emails 

Let's have a look at some of the frequently asked questions with answers about “how to send a broadcast email“ :

  • What is an example of broadcast email?

Examples of broadcast emails include a monthly newsletter, weekly updates, announcements of upcoming product launches or events, and emails informing the audience about emergencies.

  • How do I measure the success of broadcast emails?

You can measure the success of broadcast emails through metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

If you send broadcast emails using FunnelKit Automations, you can easily track sent emails, open rate, click rate, conversions, revenue, etc., right from your WordPress dashboard. 

  • Can I automate my broadcast email?

You can schedule your broadcast emails using email broadcast software like FunnelKit Automations right from your WordPress dashboard. If you want to send them based on any event or trigger, you can do that as well using the same plugin. 

  • How often should I send broadcast emails? 

The frequency of broadcast emails depends on your audience and content. It's essential to balance staying top-of-mind with your subscribers and avoiding overwhelming them. Regularly assess engagement metrics to determine the optimal sending frequency.

  • What’s the best time to send broadcast emails?

The prime time for sending broadcast emails is between 10 a.m. and noon. During this window, people take breaks and check their emails. While you can extend this period until 4 p.m., engagement declines after 6 p.m.

  • What does broadcast mean in email?

In email marketing, "broadcast" refers to sending a single message to multiple recipients simultaneously. It's typically used for announcements, promotions, or updates relevant to all subscribers on your email list.

  • What is the difference between a newsletter and a broadcast?

While newsletters and broadcast emails reach multiple recipients, they differ in timing and content. Newsletters are regularly scheduled and contain curated content tailored to subscribers' interests. 

Broadcast emails, however, are one-time messages sent to all subscribers simultaneously, often for time-sensitive announcements or promotions. It's worth noting that newsletters are one kind of broadcast, and you can use email broadcast tools to schedule and send your newsletters effectively.

  • What is the Difference Between an Email Broadcast and an Email Autoresponder (Triggered Emails)?

An email broadcast is the process of sending emails to a predefined audience. You need to send or schedule the broadcast email manually. For example, you can message all your subscribers about a new product launch event.

On the other hand, autoresponders or triggered emails are sent to users based on their behavior or interaction with a website. For example, customers receive welcome emails when subscribing to your newsletter.

Are You Ready to Send Broadcast Emails?

We hope now you know how to send a broadcast email with minimal efforts. Broadcast emails makes the job of sending an email to a group of people super easy.

And FunnelKit makes this job even more efficient.  That's because with this plugin, you can segment your audience, design email using visual builder and A/B test your emails.

On top of that,  you get a 360 degree contacts overview where you can check contact information, purchase history and their engagement with your website. Moreover, with FunnelKit Automations, you can do sms marketing as well. 

So, are you ready to utilize the amazing FunnelKit Automations to send out beautiful broadcast emails without any hassle?

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.