

How to Create a Custom WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page: 2 Methods

July 17, 2024
Editorial Team
Technical Writer
How to Create a Custom WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page: 2 Methods

Is your WooCommerce order confirmation page, or the thank you page, optimized to ensure a great shopping experience and encourage the next purchase?

Many people believe the first impression matters most, neglecting the importance of the last impression—the thank you page or order confirmation page.

According to research, there's a 60-70% likelihood of selling to an existing customer compared to just 5-20% for a new prospect.

Your thank you page should be well-optimized to leave a lasting impression and keep your customers coming back for repeat purchases.

In this blog, we'll share two methods to create a custom WooCommerce order confirmation page. We'll also provide some inspiring examples and best practices to follow for an optimized order confirmation page.

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How to Create a Custom WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page: 2 Methods

Table of Contents

What is a WooCommerce Order confirmation page?

The WooCommerce order confirmation page appears after checkout to confirm the order was placed successfully. Along with the confirmation, it also shares the order summary and other important details.

A basic WooCommerce order confirmation page includes the following 

  • Order number
  • Customer email 
  • Order total 
  • Payment method 
  • Order details (item with quantity, shipping method with cost, subtotal, payment method, and order total)
  • Billing address 
  • Shipping address (if applicable)

In addition to these basic details, you can also include: 

  • Product images
  • Special offers 
  • Product education videos 
  • Testimonials 
  • Support details
  • Social media links 
  • Upsell offers 
  • A “back to shopping” button
  • Ask for feedback, etc.

When done right, the order confirmation or thank you page marks the end of the purchasing journey and can also initiate a long-lasting relationship with your clients.

The Default WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page: What Are the Shortcomings?

The default WooCommerce thank you, or order confirmation page looks dull and has several shortcomings. 

Here is a preview of the default order confirmation page of WooCommerce:

default WooCommerce order confirmation page

As you can see, the default WooCommerce thank you page lacks several key elements necessary for optimizing post-purchase engagement and driving repeat sales. 

These missing features include:

  • A modern design
  • Product images in the order details
  • Engagement elements like links to social media, blog recommendations, or personalized product suggestions to encourage further interaction
  • Upsell opportunities to secure another order
  • Clear guidance on the next steps, such as subscribing to newsletters or continuing shopping
  • Support information, which is important to ensure a good customer experience.

Addressing these gaps can enhance the thank you page, better engage customers, and encourage repeat purchases.

For more details about the benefits of a custom order confirmation page, move to the next section. 

Why Customize Your WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page?

Customizing your WooCommerce order confirmation page can enhance customer experience, boost brand identity, drive repeat sales, and increase customer engagement. 

Key benefits include:

  • Improved customer experience: Providing additional information and a more attractive design makes the page more user-friendly.
  • Stronger brand identity: Custom design elements strengthen your brand and create a lasting impression.
  • Better customer engagement: Including links to social media, blog posts, and personalized recommendations keeps customers engaged.
  • Gather customer feedback: Adding a customer feedback form to your thank you page helps you gather insights about your brand. 
  • Boost email list: Customizing the order confirmation page to include a sign-up form can help grow your email list. 
  • Customer trust: Providing clear support information reassures customers and builds trust. Sharing testimonials from other users to gain customer trust.
  • Increase sales: Offering a discount on the next purchase or presenting upsell opportunities can help secure additional sales. 

Method 1: Customize WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page with Coding [Recommended Only For Expert Programmers]

This method is recommended for expert coders as it involves manually changing the actual code. 

🔔 Note: Create a child theme before editing WooCommerce templates like the thank you page to protect your changes from updates.

Follow these steps to customize the content: 

Step 1: Navigate to the thank you page file location 

Using a File Manager or FTP client, navigate to /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/

Step 2: Add the custom code

Now, you can edit the ‘thankyou.php’ file to make changes. 

Here, we are going to change the success message when an order is placed successfully. 

Currently, the message says, “Thank you. Your order has been received” and We are going to add the message “Thank You for Shopping with WooStore. We have started processing your order!”.

To display the success message about the order received, "thankyou.php" calls the template ‘order-received.php’. We will edit this "order-receied.php" file and update the code. 

Here is the default code:


defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

<p class="woocommerce-notice woocommerce-notice--success woocommerce-thankyou-order-received">
	$message = apply_filters(
		esc_html( __( 'Thank you. Your order has been received.', 'woocommerce' ) ),

	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
	echo $message;

Here is the updated code: 


defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;

<p class="woocommerce-notice woocommerce-notice--success woocommerce-thankyou-order-received">
	$message = apply_filters(
		esc_html( __( 'Thank You for Shopping with WooStore. We started processing your order!' ) ),

	// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
	echo $message;

Make sure to save the file. 

Step 3: Test the thank you page

Now, to see if the changes are working correctly, place a test order. 

Here is the thank you page with the new success message: 

custom WooCommerce order confrimation page using code

You can follow the steps shown to customize all the sections of the order confirmation page using custom code. 

By now, you must have realized that this method isn’t ideal for beginners or people lacking coding skills. 

But don’t sweat it! In the next section, we’ll guide you through creating a custom thank you page that requires no coding knowledge.

Method 2: Customize the Order Confirmation Page With Plugin 

Creating a custom order confirmation page using a plugin is the most convenient and efficient method. We recommend using FunnelKit Funnel Builder.

It is the best sales funnel builder for WordPress and WooCommerce that allows you to replace the default order confirmation page with a custom one. 

You can design the order confirmation page with any popular page builder, such as Elementor, Divi, Oxygen, Gutenberg, etc. 

The best part about this plugin is that you can customize your thank you page and checkout page. You can also offer pre-and post-purchase offers to boost the average order value. 

Make sure you install and activate FunnelKit Funnel Builder. 

Now follow these steps:  

Step 1: Create a store checkout

The first step is to easily create a store checkout for your WooCommerce store.

Navigate to FunnelKit ⇒  Store Checkout from your WordPress dashboard and hit the "Create Store Checkout" button.

HIT CREATE store checkout

Select the page builder you want to use to create your WooCommerce custom confirmation page. Then, hover over the template you like and click on ‘Preview’.

Here, we are going with Elementor and the Stunner template. 

preview stunner checkout page

You can scroll to select the order confirmation page from the left side. If you like the template, hit the ‘Import This Funnel’ button, name it, and click Done.

import stunner template to create store checkout

This will import 3 pages: checkout, one-click upsell, and a thank you page. 

steps of store checkout

Here, we will also share how to customize the thank you page. For the rest of the pages, you can get help following guides:

🔔 Note: You can offer low-dollar offers on the checkout page as an order bump to increase the average order value.

Step 2: Customize the order confirmation page 

To edit the order confirmation page, click the "Thank You" page step.

hit thank you page to customize

Then, hit “Edit Elementor Template” to start the customization. 

hit edit elementor template to edit stunner template

You can change every part of this template and add/remove any part. First, let’s customize the existing content one by one. 

  • Update the logo 

Upload any custom logo to replace the template logo. 

update logo of order confirmation page
  • Customize the header 

Click on the section, then on the left side; you can easily change it. Remember, the template uses merge tags to display dynamic content like the customer's first name, order number, and email. So, keep that in mind.

alter order confirmation page header

🔔 Note: If you need more merge tags to personalize the content, you can find them under “Personalization shortcodes” under the design tab. 

thank you template personalization shortcodes
  • Customize the order details section

Click on the order details section. Here, you can change the hedging. If you offer subscriptions, you can change the heading for those products as well. 

customize order details section
  • Customize the customer details section.

You can change the heading and also the layout of the customer details section. Arrange it as one column or two columns, as you see fit.

customize customer infromation section
  • Customize the special offer section to secure the next purchase

Highlight your special offers in this section to attract more buyers. For instance, we can provide a 5% discount on their next purchase, encouraging them to return and buy more. You can share the discount coupon they can use on the next purchase.

customize offer on next purchase section
  • Customize the contact section

Update the contact information in this section.

contact section of customization page

Step 3: Add additional content in the thank you template (optional)

You can add any additional content to your template as well. For instance, here, you can add an educational video or steps on how to use the product or both.

add educational content in thank you page

Like educational content, you can also add social share icons using the ‘Social Icons’ button. 

For each icon, add the link to the respective social media account.

add social icon to confrimation page

After making the changes, make sure to ‘Update’ the template. 

Here is the order confirmation page we designed. 

WooCommerce custom order confirmation page

Step 4: Enable the store checkout 

The last step is to enable the store checkout so that when someone buys from your store, they see this beautiful, optimized order confirmation page rather than the dull default one. 
Just hit the “Enable Store Checkout” button to enable the store checkout.

enable store checkouts

How to Set the WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page URL? 

Here, we have shared to set the URL of the order confirmation page in two ways: 

  • Using WooCommerce default settings

Go to WooCommerce ⇒ Settings, then click on the Advanced tab. Under Checkout endpoints, set the "Order Received" URL as your order confirmation page URL.

set up thank you page url using WooCommerce default option

Make sure to save the changes. 

The URL will be

  • Using FunnelKit Automations 

To set a custom thank you page URL, click on the Edit icon of the thank you page URL. 

hit edit to customize WooCommerce thank you page URL using FunnelKit Funnel Builder

Enter the custom URL you want to set in the "Page URL Slug" section and hit update. 

update thank you page slug

So, the custom WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page URL will be

copy order confrimation page url

How to Add a Custom Field to the WooCommerce Order Confirmation page? 

To show a custom field on the WooCommerce order confirmation page, you need to add the custom field to the checkout page first. Once you collect the custom value during checkout, you can display it on the thank you page.

Here are the steps you need to follow: 

Step 1: Add a custom field to the checkout page 

To do this, edit the checkout page, scroll down, and click on “Add New Field” to add the custom field. 

Then set up the field you want to add. For example, here we are asking users if the order is a gift. If yes, then we will wrap it in a gift wrapper.

create custom field to add on checkout page

Step 2: Show the custom field on the thank you page

Now to ensure the custom field you just built is available on the thank you page, turn the toggle button for the option “Show On Thank You Page”.

enable show on thank you page option for custom field

You can make the field required if you want. After setting up, click on “Add.” Remember to update the template. 

👉 For more details, read our blog on how to add a custom field to the checkout page. 

Step 3: Test the thank you page with the custom field

Now if you place a test order, the thank you page will have the custom field.

custom field on WooCOmmerce order confirmation page

How to Set Up Different Order Confirmation Pages in WooCommerce for Different Product Attributes?

With FunnelKit Automations’s Rule Engine, you can set up different order confirmations based on different product attributes. 

For example, you can show people different product pages based on the product category customers shop from. 

To create different confirmation pages visible for different product attributes, first create multiple order confirmations and then set the rules. 

Here are the steps you need to follow: 

Step 1: Create multiple order confirmation page

First, you need to create all the confirmation pages you want to show based on different criteria. 

To create a thank you page, hit the “Add New Step”.

click on add new step to add multiple thank you page

Then, choose the “Thank You” page and your favorite page builder. Then hover and click “Preview”. 

preview thank you page

Now to import, hit “Import This Template”, provide a name, and hit “Add”. 

🔔Note: You can choose different templates for different order confirmation pages. 

import template to create a second thank you page

Repeat the same process to create as many order confirmation pages as you need. 

Here, we have added one. So, in total, we have two. 

multiple order confirmation page

Step 2: Customize the order confirmation page templates 

Now, customize the different thank you pages you created in the first step to display what you want based on the rules you'll set later.

edit order confrimation page for a specific category

Step 3: Set rules to adjust the visibility 

It’s time to establish rules so that different order confirmations show up depending on specific product attributes or other order and customer-related criteria.

For this, we need to set different rules for different thank you pages. 
To set rules, go to the Rules tab and click on ‘Add Rules’.

hit add rules to create rule based thank you page

Now you can set conditions based on different metrics like:

  • Order: Show a specific confirmation page based on the product, category, tag, total, item count, item type, payment gateway, or shipping method of the order just placed. You can also adjust visibility based on the coupons used or any custom field values shared at checkout.
order related condition to display WooCommerce order confirmation page
  • Customer: Customer-specific information like the customer’s first order, if they are guests, user role, user name, purchased product (all time), and purchased category (all time).
customer condition to create rule based thank you page
  • Geography: Show different thank you pages based on different geographical locations they use in their billing and shipping addresses.
create geographical conditional thank you page
  • Date/Time: Show different thank you pages based on the date, day, and time of the order. 
date time condition to display thank you page

After choosing the factor, set the condition. For example, we have added this thank you page to show only if the purchase product category is beauty. 

add condition to display thank you page

You can add multiple conditions as well. Here, we are adding the condition: cart product should be from the Beauty category, and the total should be greater than or equal to 150. 

multiple condition to display thank you page

If you want to make the thank you page visible for multiple sets of rules, you can use the “Create Rule Group” option. 

add set of rules for thank you page

After setting the conditions, “Save” the rules. 

And that’s it. Your store will now show different order confirmations to different audiences based on the rules you set. 

3 Examples of the Great Order Confirmation Page You Can Follow 

Now that you know how to create a custom WooCommerce order confirmation page, let’s have a look at 3 examples you can take inspiration from to design your thank you page. 

  1. Walmart 

Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation with a well-balanced and sleek-looking order confirmation page.

walmart order confrimation page
  • The page is simple and clean but effective. 
  • Gives a continue shopping button to promote more purchases. 
  • Highlights the approximate delivery date. 
  • Shares discount on the next purchase to seal another order. 

This is an ideal example of how less is more. While it doesn’t do much, it provides a good order summary. It encourages users to return to the store and nudges them to make another purchase with the discount.

2. Foot Locker

 Foot Locker is a sportswear company that sells sneakers, footwear, and apparel for men, women, and kids. 

They have an optimized order confirmation page that ensures customers stay connected to the brand even after the purchase. 

Here is the thank you page by Foot Locker:

foot locker thank you page

Here are the takeaways: 

  • The design and color palette is totally on-brand
  • It’s clean and shares all the necessary order-related information
  • Highlights the estimated delivery date to make the customer happy
  • Shared customer support in case someone needs it for anything 
  • A register section highlighting the benefit of faster delivery. 
  • Also, a sign-up form to get the customer in their newsletter loop. 

While the brand doesn’t offer any upsells or cross-sells on the thank you page, it has been optimized to ensure customers have a smooth shopping experience by providing all the necessary information.

At the same time, they collect customer emails and consent through the register and sign-up for updates section, allowing them to easily promote their products in the future.

3. Mark and Spencer

Marks and Spencer plc is a British multinational retailer with a sleek order confirmation page. 

Have a look at their thank you page:

mark and spencer thank you page

Here are the takeaways: 

  • Includes all the essential info, like order summary and delivery details.
  • Provides a discount on the next purchase to encourage repeat sales. 
  • Keeps the registration process simple—customers only need to create a password.

This order confirmation does one clever thing to place the promotion and register form in the middle so it’s on focus and users don’t miss it. 

5 Best Practices for Improving User Experience on the Order Confirmation Page While Ensuring Repeat Sales 

Here are 5 tips you can follow when customizing your WooCommerce order confirmation page, irrespective of the type of product you sell. 

  • Personalization enhances customer engagement.

Make sure to add personalization to boost customer engagement. For instance, addressing the customer by their name is a great start. Additionally, consider displaying a different order confirmation page based on the customer's order details or history to ensure it’s more targeted and relevant.

  • Clear next steps guide the customer journey

Add clear CTAs to guide users what step to take next. For example, you can iclude  calls to action, such as “Track Your Order” or “Continue Shopping,” to help customers navigate easily.

  • Mobile-friendliness ensures smooth shopping from anywhere

As of the first quarter of 2024, smartphones accounted for about 77 percent of retail site traffic worldwide. That’s why experts highly recommend the confirmation page is fully responsive for seamless navigation on any device.

  • Encouraging the next order fosters customer loyalty

Offer discounts or incentives for future purchases to motivate repeat business. We recommend offering a time-sensitive discount to create urgency among users. 

  • Avoiding overwhelming the audience maintains clarity and focus.

It’s easy to want to include everything when you have the power of customization. However, try not to overwhelm users with too much information or too many calls to action, as this can confuse them. Present information clearly and concisely to avoid overwhelming customers with unnecessary details.

Frequently Asked Questions About WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page 

  • How do you find the order confirmation page on WooCommerce?

The order confirmation page is usually found at the URL /order-received/ after checkout. If you create a custom order confirmation page, then you can change the URL and slug as well. We have covered details in this blog. 

  • Where is the order received page in WooCommerce?

Order received page is located in the WooCommerce ⇒  Settings ⇒ Advanced ⇒ Page Setup.

  • How do I customize the order confirmation page in WooCommerce?

You can customize it using WooCommerce hooks or by editing the template files. However, unless you’re an experienced coder, it’s recommended to use a plugin like FunnelKit Funnel Builder. This allows you to easily customize the thank you page with popular page builders like Elementor or Divi.

  • Does WooCommerce send an order confirmation email?

Yes, WooCommerce automatically sends an order confirmation email to the customer after purchase. If you want to learn how to customize this email, read our blog on “order confirmation email”.

  • How do I use the order confirmation page for marketing?

You can include upsells, recommend related products, or offer discounts for future purchases.

Ready to Create a Custom WooCommerce Order Confirmation Page? 

A custom order confirmation page in your WooCommerce store can significantly impact how shoppers interact with your site and improve your customer retention rate.

With FunnelKit Funnel Builder, you can easily customize your order confirmation page. You have the flexibility to add custom fields and create rule-based multiple confirmation pages to target different audiences effectively.

Moreover, FunnelKit offers stunning prebuilt templates with promotional sections to showcase offers and encourage the next purchases. So, don’t miss the opportunity to turn customers into repeat buyers.

Get FunnelKit Funnel Builder today and start building your custom order confirmation page to enhance customer engagement and boost sales!

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Published by: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.
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