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How to Send WooCommerce Failed Order Emails to Customers?

Editorial Team
June 12, 2024
How to Send WooCommerce Failed Order Emails to Customers?

Are you looking to send custom WooCommerce failed order emails to your customers? 

Sometimes, users can place an order perfectly, but it may fail due to many issues. 

Such failed orders are more than just a minor inconvenience. Not only do they mess with your sales, but they also give your customers a not-so-happy experience.

However, a failed order email can help you repair the dent in customer experience and convince users to reorder and thus help you gain revenue as well. 

In this blog post, we will share what a failed order is, what caused such an issue, and how you can send a custom WooCommerce failed order email to customers without any coding knowledge.

What is a Failed Order in WooCommerce and How to Know Why It Failed?

In WooCommerce, a "Failed Order" refers to a situation where a customer initiates the process of making a purchase on an online store, but for some reason, the transaction doesn't go through successfully. 

This means that despite the customer's intention to buy a product or service, the checkout process encounters an issue like "payment failed" that prevents the order from being completed and thus results in a failed order.

When you go to WooCommerce ⇒ Orders, you can find such orders with the status “Failed”.

WooCommerce order status

Now, if you open the order, under the order note, you can find the reason for the failed order. 

order notes woocommerce failed order email to customer

In this case, WooCommerce provided that the reason why the payment failed was that the user’s card was declined. A quick fix for this WooCommerce payment failed issue here is to use another card for the payment.

What are the Common Causes of WooCommerce Failed Orders?

Some of the common reasons for failed orders in WooCommerce:

  • Card declined: This occurs when the customer's payment card is not accepted by their bank or payment processor. It could be due to reasons like insufficient funds, an expired card, or exceeding the card's spending limit.
  • Authentication issue: When the website cannot establish a connection with the payment gateway, authentication fails. This can also result from an expired API key, which is a security credential used to connect your WooCommerce store with the payment gateway. Renewing or updating the API key is necessary in such cases.
  • Duplicate transaction: If a customer accidentally submits multiple transactions with the same card information, it can lead to order failures or multiple charges. Payment gateways often have safeguards against duplicate transactions, but it's important to ensure your system handles these scenarios gracefully as well.
  • Website issues: Problems within the WordPress website hosting the WooCommerce store can cause transactions to fail. Outdated software, server issues, or conflicts between plugins can disrupt the transaction process. Regular updates and maintenance can help prevent such issues.

You can solve these common causes by taking the necessary steps. For example, in case of payment failed issues, try making it easier for users to update their payment details if their credit card has expired or been canceled.

To ensure there is no server issue or plugin conflict, maintain your website and update the plugin regularly. You can regularly test the checkout process to ensure it runs smoothly. 

Does WooCommerce Send Default Failed Order Email?

Yes, WooCommerce sends emails to customers on failed orders. However, for WooCommerce’s failed order email to work, you must ensure you have turned on the email notification option.

To do so, navigate to WooCommerce ⇒ Settings ⇒ Emails. Here, you will find setting options for all the default WooCommerce order statuses. Click the “Manage” option for Failed Orders.

manage woocommerce failed order

Here, you need to turn on the “Enable this email notification” option to ensure users receive the email when their order fails. In this section, you can also customize other sections such as subject, email heading, additional content, etc.

enable the failed email notification

Here is an example of such an email.

WooCommerce failed order

If you see, the email is very basic; it doesn’t provide the user with the proper reason for the failure nor instruct the user what to do next or present the brand. In short, this is not optimized to ensure a good user experience.

Now, if you want to customize this email, then you need to know how to code it and be a pro at it; otherwise, it can make things worse and not better. 

So, what’s the solution?

Well, in the next section, we will share how you can send customized WooCommerce failed order emails to customers without any coding. 

Note: Sometimes, you may experience the issue of WooCommerce not sending order emails, even with the crucial payment failed notifications. WooCommerce may fail to send order emails cause your hosting server is not correctly configured to use PHP mail. You can also this issue with an SMTP plugin. To learn more, read our blog on how you can fix “WooCommerce Not Sending Emails” issue. 

How to Send a Custom WooCommerce Failed Order Email to a Customer From the WordPress Dashboard?

To send customized WooCommerce failed order email to the customer, we will use FunnelKit Automations.

This is the ultimate email marketing solution for users that allows you to send customized and personalized emails based on the different events of a WooCommerce store. You can send any type of WooCommerce follow-up emails or post purchase emails easily using this tool. 

Let’s install and activate FunnelKit Automations before we move on to the main process. 

Step 1: Turn off the default failed order email notification

After installing and activating the plugin, you need to turn off the default settings. Otherwise, users will receive two emails, leaving them confused and resulting in a bad user experience. 

To turn it off, from the WordPress dashboard, go to WooCommerce ⇒ Settings⇒ Emails and click on the “Manage” option for Failed Orders. And uncheck the ‘Email this email notification’ option. 

turn off default failed order email

Step 2: Add new email automation using FunnelKit Automations. 

Navigate to FunnelKit Automations ⇒ Automations and then click on Create Automation.

Add new automation to send  WooCommerce failed order email to customer

We are going to build automation from scratch, so click on the “Start from Scratch” option.

click start from scratch

After that, provide a name to your automation and click on ‘Create’. 

import failed order email automation

This will create automation from scratch. 

Step 3: Add failed order as a trigger 

Now, it’s time to add a trigger to run this automation. To do this, click on the “Now, it’s time to add a trigger to run this automation. To do this, click on the “Select Trigger” option.” option.

select an event

Go to the WooCommerce tab and select the Event “Order Status Changed,” then click on “Done.”

choose order status changed

Choose “Pending Payment” as the “From Status” and “Failed” as the “To Status.” Finally, click on Save. This will trigger this event when any order status changes from pending payment to failed.

order status changed from pending payment to failed order

Step 4: Add custom WooCommerce failed order email

Now, it’s time to set the email notification option. For that, click the “+” icon and choose “Action” as the next step.

click action

Choose “Send Email” from the Messaging tab and click on Done.

choose send email action and click on done

Now, provide the subject and preview text. It’s always a good idea to personalize the failure of an order. So, instead of saying, “Hey! Your order failed,” you can address the customer by name and add the order ID in the email subject line. 

FunnelKit Automation offers different merge tags to add dynamic information to your email content. You can access the merge tags by clicking on the “{{..}}” sign. For example, here we are using “ {{contact_first_name}}” to address the customer by name and “{{order_id}} ” to print the order ID that failed.

subject line with customer name and order id

Like the subject line, add a proper preview text. 

After that, you need to customize the body of the email. FunnelKit Automations offers three options: Rich Text, Raw HTML, and Visual Builder.

Today, we will use the Visual Builder. To do so, choose the Visual Builder option and click Start.

choose visual builder to desin failed order email

Now, you can import any email template from the many FunnelKit Automations provided or create one from scratch. 

We will customize the Order Confirmation template to send an email with a failed order. To import first, hover on the template and click on “Preview.”

preview order confirmation email

Then click “Import This Template” to import. 

import order notification 1

Now, you can customize the email template according to your preference. For instance, change the logo and heading to match the email content of the failed order.  You can use the following merge tags to display dynamic information

  • {{contact_first_name}}: Display customer first name 
  • {{order_id}}: Display the customer ID
  • {{order_date}}: Displays the date on which the order was placed.
add merge tag on failed order email to personalzie it

This template already has an Order summary block that you can use to show or hide the Order Date, Order ID, Payment, Product Images, and Quantity.

order details block

In addition to Order Summary, it has a “Customer Address” section where the billing and shipping information is displayed by default. You can choose to hide or show the billing address and shipping address.

add billing and shipping address

The email template has a discount coupon section that you can delete. 

delete discount section

Step 5: Add a CTA for customers to complete the failed order

It is important to offer users an option to easily return to the WooCommerce store and complete the failed order.

For this, we will use a call-to-action (CTA) and include the "{{order_confirmation_page_link}}" merge tag to link the CTA to the order confirmation page dynamically.

You can drag and drop the Button block to add a CTA and then add the {{order_confirmation_page_link}} to the CTA. 

add order confirmation page to failed order email

Click on Save to save this email template.

When you save the email template, mark it as transactional. 

mark failed order email as transactional

 Here is a preview of the email we just designed.

preview WooCommerce Failed order email

🔔Note: You can add another “send email” action that notifies the website admin or whoever is responsible for order management about the failed order. 

Step 6: Activate the automation

The last step is to activate the automation. For that turn on the toggle button on the top right corner.

activate failed order email automation

And that’s it. Your automation to send custom WooCommerce failed order email is ready!

Start Sending WooCommerce Failed Order Email to Customer Today!

Failed orders are an unavoidable part of running an online store, but when you send a Woocommerce failed order email to the customer, you can turn it into sales.

With FunnelKit Automations, you can send personalized emails to users, which boosts your chances of getting those sales. Not just failed order emails; you can also send custom canceled orders emails, refunded order emails, and so on. 

Not just failed order emails, you can send any follow-up emails and recover abandoned carts by sending abandoned cart emails to users using this WooCommerce plugin for failed order emails.

For each campaign, you will find analytics such as active contacts, completed contacts, orders, revenue, etc., giving you a solid idea about your campaign with accurate data. 

So, don’t lose out on sales due to failed orders; send them a custom email and turn them into sales today. 

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.