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Tavleen Kaur  Jun 28, 2019

Introducing UpStroke 2.0: We're Taking a Big Leap Forward

This is exciting! Our engineering team has pushed 36 releases since the launch of UpStroke  last year. Now it is time for UpStroke 2.0. And Oh boy! There's just so much packed into this one update. Some things are visible right up front, and others are under the hood. But this one's really an important update - it lays the foundation for how you're going to do targeted one-click upsells based on customers' purchase history and behavior. The larger theme of this update is super relevant offers presented on gorgeous pages. I'll share the significant highlights right over here so that you can get a head
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Recent Blogs
Tavleen Kaur  Jun 16, 2019

Amazon Style On-Page Recommendations V/S One Click Upsells, The Winner Is...?

The other day I went to buy earphones over at Amazon, and when I scrolled down on the product page, here's what I saw: Amazon's Frequently Bought Together Section I was instantly convinced that I need the carry case to stove my earphones. It was a no-brainer yes. But as I scrolled further down, I saw more and more recommendations! Woah! 'Customers who viewed this also viewed', 'customers who bought this also bought', 'sponsored items'..Check this out: Cluttered Product Page Let's be honest, these sections also make the product pages look super cluttered and distracting - there are way too many places to click on. And
Tavleen Kaur  May 8, 2019

The Fastest Route To Checkout: How To Skip Cart & Send Users Directly To Checkout

If you're driving from A to B and your navigation device says: "We have found a faster route to B that avoids 16-minute congestion at the round-about? Would you like to take it?" How likely are you to say yes? Unless you have no plans of reaching B in time, you're highly likely to say yes. You've got work to do and chores to finish! Similarly, you can save your users time by letting them hop the WooCommerce cart and take the shortest route to the checkout. In this post, I am going to show you how to skip the cart and send users straight to the
Tavleen Kaur  May 2, 2019

Aero Checkout Version 1.8: Here's What's Possible Now {In a Gist}

About 2 weeks back, we pushed the new release of Aero Checkout i.e. version 1.8. And then there were a few follow-up releases on top of that version. This is one of our most exhaustive updates and we've worked for more than 2 months to push it off the shelf and deploy it on our users' website. There are so many new additions, improvements, and fixes that I would not be able to do justice to all of them here in this blog post. So I only picked a few things that could be depicted quickly and easily. But I strongly recommend you to read our
Tavleen Kaur  Apr 4, 2019

6 Definitive Steps To Improve Your Product Descriptions For Higher Conversions

There are some products that don't need stellar product descriptions. You can just sell them by showing large, high resolution images from different angles. For example, these sunglasses: A few words on the dimensions, the lens specs, shipping and a good return policy are enough to sell it. You don't need anything else to persuade people. But then there are products like this Grilling Multi Tool which needs to have an edge over competition. It needs to appeal to the user's imagination for its functionality and use cases. And a well-written product description that convinces people will increase its sales too. If your product sells for
Tavleen Kaur  Mar 10, 2019

How To Get Testimonials/Reviews For Your WooCommerce Store On Autopilot

Take a minute and think about your buying behavior. What's the first thing you check after the product title and image on a product page? If you're like most people- it's the testimonials and reviews. Testimonials are the voice of the customer. And people see a reflection of themselves in your existing buyers. For example, as a mom when I look at the marketing copy of this daily gummy vitamins: I am not sure whether these will be right multi-vitamins for my kid even though the product page and the bottle sticker say so! Here are some of my off the cuff doubts: Are these really
Tavleen Kaur  Mar 2, 2019

2 Fastest Ways To Grow Profits Without Spending More On Ads

Tell me if you've heard this before: "101 ways to get more traffic with Facebook ads" "Build a 7-figure business by gathering new leads while you sleep." Have you heard these bloated claims before? I am sure you have unless you live in the caves. Most gurus are teaching how to grow a business by acquiring new leads or getting more traffic. Their formula is simple, more new people into the funnel = more sales. But no one's talking about the faster way to grow. And that is by optimizing what you've got. Here's a good news for you: You don't have to spend more on
Tavleen Kaur  Feb 27, 2019

Use This Framework To Pick Your Perfect Upsell Offer

Are you struggling to pick a perfect upsell offer? In this post we'll teach you the exact process to do that. Here's why you need to pay close attention: Winning upsell offers can inject instant cash into your system without having to run more ads. Low-performing upsells, on the other hand, are simply missed opportunities. So when you double guess your way to upselling, you may or may not get it right. But when you follow a proven framework and a tried & tested process, you have high uptakes each time. Let's dive right in and learn more. 3 Ways To Think About Upsells Before we
Tavleen Kaur  Feb 14, 2019

How To Accurately Do Facebook Conversion Tracking With One Click Upsells

If you're running Facebook ads, you know that accurate Facebook conversion tracking is the key to scaling up! Perhaps you're using an external pixel plugin like Pixel Your Site, Pixel Caffeine etc. to track various events. But these plugins cannot fire pixels for your upsell/downsell and only take care of events such view page, add to cart, initiate checkout and the purchase. They don't go beyond the main purchase to track sales from the upsells. But don't worry, our team has built a deep integration of UpStroke: WooCommerce One-Click Upsells with the Facebook pixel. In this post, I'll show you how to fire Facebook purchase event pixels
Tavleen Kaur  Feb 2, 2019

New Update: How To Move WooCommerce Coupon Field On Aero Checkout Page & More

I am thrilled to share with you that we've released the latest version of Aero (1.7). ?? In this post, I am going to be covering some of the highlights from the release that matter most to you. Firstly, we'll discuss how you can change the position of the WooCommerce coupon field and the limitation in the previous version. Next, we'll look at some of the other updates. Let's get started. Changes To The WooCommerce Coupon Code Field in Aero Checkout There are 4 major updates to the coupon code field in Aero Checkout. All of these changes will help you: Prevent the users without a

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