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How to Send WooCommerce Product Review Email with Examples and Best Practices

Editorial Team
June 5, 2024
How to Send WooCommerce Product Review Email with Examples and Best Practices

A WooCommerce product review email is a great way to remind customers to review the product they bought from you.

Nowadays, if you want to boost your sales, your product must have positive customer reviews.

That’s because almost 55% of online shoppers read at least four online reviews before purchasing.[Source: Bizrate Insights]

Moreover, according to Bazaarvoice, product pages with user reviews convert 3.5 times more than those without.

Sending WooCommerce review emails to request reviews can help you collect those reviews your product requires to persuade buyers to buy it.

In this blog, we will show a step-by-step guide on how to design and automate the process of sending WooCommerce product review emails.

So, let’s start.

What is a Product Review Email?

A product review email is the email you send to customers requesting them to review the product they purchased. Such emails are sent to users after a certain amount of time has elapsed following their purchase.

A product review email must contain two things:

  1. Details of the purchased product
  2. And an option/CTA that allows users to review the product 

Let's take a look at the following product review email example from Huron.

what is product review email Huron-Review-Email

This is a simple example of a good review request email. This email does three things right.

  • Mentions the product that wants the user to review (with a link)
  • Picture of a 5-star rating followed by a CTA that directs to the review form
  • Finally, it offers incentives when customers successfully submit the review.

Now, hopefully, you understand what a WooCommerce review email is. 

Examples of Product Review Emails

Let’s have a look at some examples of product review emails used by different brands.


Biscuiteers deliver personalized gifts around the Globe. Have a look at the email they send to ask customers to review the product. 

Biscuiteers review request email

We like this email because its aesthetically pleasing design perfectly represents the brand.  We also like the fact it provides a clear CTA to review the product. Another thing we love about this email is that it adds reviews from other users. This is a good move and existing reviews will encourage customers to write down their own reviews based on the experiences they had with this product.

Charlie Hustle

Charlie Hustle is an online clothing brand.  Have a look at the review request email they send to their customers.

review email charle hustle

We like this email because of its simple yet eye-catching design. We especially love that it offers both star rating points and a text input field so users can rate and leave a review at the same time. And the best part is they can do these from the email itself.


Sunsoil provides affordable access to its best, top-quality CBD products. Here is the product review email the brand uses:

review with price sunsoil

This is a text-based email that asks users to review their purchased products. What’s unique about this email is that it offers incentives for completing a review. 

Now that you are aware of what kind of emails brands use to collect reviews let’s have a look at the benefits of utilizing WooCommerce product review emails. 

Why Sending WooCommerce Product Review Emails is Important? 

Earning the trust of potential customers is crucial for gaining success. And an effective way of gaining trust is to share authentic customer reviews with them. 

Sending product review emails plays a vital role in collecting genuine feedback, enhancing your store's reputation, and influencing purchasing decisions. 

Let's explore the top reasons why sending product review request emails is so important:

  • Authentic social proof: According to a 2021 report by PowerReviews, almost 99% of customers read reviews when they shop online. WooCommerce product reviews provide authentic social proof that your products are worth purchasing. They reassure potential customers by showcasing the experiences and opinions of previous buyers.
  • Improved trust and credibility: Actively collecting and displaying product reviews demonstrates transparency and a commitment to customer satisfaction. This enhances trust and credibility, making shoppers more confident buying from your store and resulting in repeat customers. 
  • Boost sales: Products with positive reviews are more likely to convert, as 93% of consumer’s purchase decisions are influenced by product reviews. In fact, adding just one positive product review can improve conversion rates by up to 10%. So, adding product reviews can help you boost your sales.
  • Valuable customer insights: Product reviews provide valuable insights into customer preferences, issues they might encounter, and their feedback. This data can enhance your product or service, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction.

How to Send Product Review Emails in WooCommerce?

In this section, we will show you how to automate the process of sending WooCommerce review emails to users.  

To send WooCommerce product review emails, we are going to use FunnelKit Automations. It's an all-in-one marketing automation and broadcast engine that allows you to automate your marketing workflows, such as cart abandonment, new user registration emails, order confirmation emails WooCommerce follow-up emails, and so on. 

We have decided to go with this WordPress plugin because of the following reasons:

The plugin comes with a pre-built workflow and email templates that you can import and use within moments. If you want to build your own workflow and design a custom email template, you can do that as well.

Along with the traditional rich text editor, you also get a visual email builder where you can easily drag and drop elements to design your emails. In addition, you can track active contacts, orders, revenue, AOV, etc. for each automation. In addition, for each email, you can check the open rate, click rate, order, revenue, etc. 

Follow the instructions on how to create and automate your product review emails:

Step 1: Install and activate FunnelKit Automations

FunnelKit Automations comes in two versions: free and pro. For this blog, we are going to use both FunnelKit Automations and FunnelKit Automations Pro. So, make sure you install and activate both the plugins.

Step 2: Import review collection email template by FunnelKit

Now, you will see a list of premade templates by FunnelKit. For this blog, we are going to use Review Collection Email (Post Purchase). To choose the template, click on it.

choose review collection email template

To import the WooCommerce review email template, click on the Import button on the top-right corner. Then, provide a name and click on Create.

import review collection email

Now, your WooCommerce product review request automation recipe should be imported. The automation gets triggered when a customer places an order in your WooCommerce store. It sends the review email after a delay of 14 days. Here is a preview of the whole email automation process.

WooCommerce order confirmation automation steps

🔔 Note: The “Order Created” trigger will automatically activate this automation whenever an order is placed. Leave the trigger untouched, as it doesn't need customization.

Step 3: Set up the delay before sending the order review email 

You should wait for some time before you request the user to review your product.  The default option for automation has a 14-day or 2-week delay. This is a reasonable amount of time, as users will likely have used the product by two weeks after their purchase.

You can even change this delay period as per your needs

To change the delay, click on the Delay step. 

click Delay

You can set up the delay in minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. 

You can set up “Delay until a specific time of day” or “Delay until a specific day(s) of the week.” After choosing and setting up your preferred delay, click on Save. 

Add delay before sending users email asking to review previously purchased products

Step 4: Design your product review email

Click on the Send Email action to edit the email.

click on send email to ask for review

Now, customize the email subject line, preview text, and email body one by one. 

For starters, you can personalize the email subject line by adding the customer’s information. You can easily add dynamic information to your email using FunnelKit's Merge tag features. 

For example, to add a name in the subject line, click the {{..}} icon to search for the customer's first name tag. Then click on the settings icon and copy it. After that, paste it on the subject line. 

personalized subject for product review email

Similarly, you can alter the email preview text. 

To design the email body, you get four options: 

  • Visual Builder (New) - This upgraded drag-and-drop email builder allows you to personalize pre-designed templates or create entirely new designs from the ground up.
  • Rich Text - Compose standard plain-text emails using the rich text editor for a familiar writing experience.
  • HTML - Craft emails using HTML to control your email's design and functionality.
  • Visual Builder - This is the previous version of the email builder that enables you to create custom email designs.

By default, the prebuilt automation comes with a text-based template that displays the ordered product and simply requests the customer to leave a review. 

It uses the {{order_review}} tag to display the ordered products. This tag showcases all the products with a button that leads users to the product page where they can review the product. 

add product review text in order review email

While this text-based template is good enough, if you want to create visually stunning emails, you can use the new Visual Builder. 

With Visual Builder, you can import any prebuilt template and customize it according to your needs. Here also, you can use {{order_review}} to display the previously ordered items with a button that redirects users to the website to review the product.  

Note: You can offer a discount on the next purchase, which serves as an incentive for users to leave reviews and share feedback. FunnelKit Automations comes with a beautiful coupon to display the discount. 

🔔 To learn more about read our blog on dynamic coupons. 

customize product review email in WooCommerce

Here is a preview of how WooCommerce review email looks like:

preview WooCommerce product review email

If you want to learn how to design an email using an email visual builder, check out our blog, “WooCommerce email customizer.

After customizing the email, click on save changes to update.

Step 5: Activate the WooCommerce review email automation

Once you are happy with the email, activate the automation. You can do it by turning on the toggle button.

activate product review email collection campaign

And that’s it. Now, after each order, your customer will receive an email requesting them to leave a review after the specified delay.

Best Practices for Product Review Email

Now, have a look at some of the things you should keep in mind while sending a post-purchase review email. These tips will help you to collect positive reviews.

Explain why the feedback is important

Highlighting why the review is important can make users want to give a review. You can mention how review plays an important role in other users' decisions about purchasing. Also, mention how it will help you offer personalized recommendations in the future.

Keep the email short 

Keep the WooCommerce product review email short and get to the point right away. If you put too much text, that may annoy the customer, resulting in them closing the email without providing a review. So, make sure to use captivating, short-and-sweet emails and branded visuals to do the job.

Incentivize product reviews

One effective hack to get customers to submit product reviews is to provide them with an incentive. You can offer them a discount coupon for free delivery if they complete the order review submission. This will get you a review and also encourage users to place another order to cash in the discount. 

Get the timing right  

Timing is crucial when it comes to sending your product review emails. If you ask customers to review a product the next day after delivery, they may skip it because they haven't used the product yet. We recommend sending a product review request email after two weeks of placing an order because two weeks is enough time for customers to use the product. 

Use personalization

Personalized email subject lines generate an average of 50% higher open rates. Not just subject lines you should personalize the email content as well. You can do so by addressing the customer by their name, adding the products they bought in the email, and so on. 

🔔 You can also read our blog on how to customize WooCommerce emails.

Are You Ready to Send a WooCommerce Product Review Email?

WooCommerce product review emails are the secret to getting customers to leave reviews. So, if you haven’t started yet, now is the time to start collecting product reviews.

However, to get the best result, you need to personalize your email and provide easy, crisp content. 

FunnelKit Automations effortlessly designs your emails with a personalized touch. It also automates the entire process of sending these emails to your customers. In addition, it helps you track the click rate, open rate, click-to-open rate, unsubscribe rate, etc. 

With this WordPress plugin, you can automate all your marketing and WooCommerce review emails. The best part is you can send unlimited emails without paying any extra penny.

So, are you ready to send a WooCommerce product review email that seals a 5-star rating? 

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.