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How to Send WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product to Boost Conversions and Engagement

Editorial Team
June 6, 2024
How to Send WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product to Boost Conversions and Engagement

Do you want to send WooCommerce custom emails per product for personalized messaging?

74% of marketers said that targeted personalization increases customer engagement. [Source: DemandGen]

Sending custom WooCommerce per-product emails allows you to tailor your emails according to the product purchased by the customer.

You can send how-to-use tutorials, complementary product recommendations, styling videos, and more.

This personalization builds your reputation as a brand that cares, not just sells.

Furthermore, these emails help minimize buyers’ remorse and reduce refunds.

In this article, you’ll learn how to customize your WooCommerce emails based on purchased products and time them to perfection!

So, let’s begin.

What are WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product?

Custom emails per product in WooCommerce are the emails that are sent to the buyers based on items purchased.

If you are vying for the customer’s attention in their inbox, why not start the conversation about the product they just bought?

Personalization is the KEY here!

For example, you sell styling products for men. A customer buys beard oil from your store. 

You can send them sequences of emails that explain how to use the beard oil, the complementary products that go with it, mistakes to avoid, etc.

These emails will get more opens and higher engagement than other emails and position your brand as a customer-centric business.

Why You Should Send WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product?

Sending custom emails per product in WooCommerce can significantly improve customer communication, enhance their experience, and drive conversions.

Here are some reasons you should send WooCommerce custom emails per product:

  • Personalized customer experience - Custom emails provide information specific to the product purchased. This helps enhance customer satisfaction and reduce post-purchase support queries.
  • Enhanced marketing opportunities - Sending product-specific promotions and discounts on accessories or related products can boost sales and customer engagement.
  • Improved customer support - Provide detailed troubleshooting guides, FAQs, instructional guides, etc., relevant to the purchased product to your customers. This helps preemptively address common issues.
  • Increased conversions - Customers are more likely to open and engage with emails that contain information directly relevant to their recent purchase. To keep emails interesting and useful, you can use dynamic content that changes based on the item purchased.
  • Customer loyalty - Sending personalized messages for each product makes customers feel valued and appreciated. Introducing loyalty programs or reward points can encourage customers to return and make additional purchases.

How to Send WooCommerce Custom Per Product Emails?

WooCommerce provides a few native options to reach out to your customers. But those options are very limited.

For example, you CAN NOT:

  • Send custom per-product emails
  • Make them look on-brand
  • Add additional conditions or discount coupons

With FunnelKit Automations, all these problems stand solved. It's the most powerful WordPress marketing tool that can handle all your CRM needs.

You can now say goodbye to expensive SaaS tools that charge monthly per contact.

With this FunnelKit Automations plugin, you can build automated workflows in minutes using an ever-growing library of pre-built automations, get real-time insights, customize them further, and more.

Step 1: Install and activate FunnelKit Automations

The FunnelKit Automations plugin includes Free (Lite) and Pro (Premium) versions.

The Free version has an ever-growing library of pre-built automations such as abandoned cart recovery, post-purchase email sequence, winback campaigns, and more.

Install FunnelKit Pro to unlock more pre-built automations and advanced customization options - and send WooCommerce per-product emails.

Installed FunnelKit Automations plugin to create woocommerce per product emails

Step 2: Import the WooCommerce custom emails per product automation

Once the FunnelKit Automations plugin is installed, add a new automation to send your custom WooCommerce per-product emails.

Head to the Automations section and click on ‘Create Automation’.

creating a new automation

We have already created a WooCommerce post-purchase email sequence that lets you contact customers when they buy a specific product.

All you have to do is import it. As simple as that.

importing a new automation

You can see a preview of the automation.

Here, click on ‘Import’ and enter the name of your per-product email automation for WooCommerce.

naming the automation

Clicking on Create will add this automation to your workspace.

But wait; you must still tweak it to acclimatize to your needs.

Step 3: Customize the WooCommerce emails per product automation

Now, we will customize the imported WooCommerce email sequence.

Under the WooCommerce section, click on the ‘Order Created’ event and hit ‘Done’ to add it to your workflow.

Select order created event trigger

Since we want to do this after the purchase, we will tick the Completed or Processing.

When the order is completed, i.e., when the customer receives the order in their hands, the automation will be triggered.

Selecting the order statuses for WooCommerce per product emails

Click on ‘Save’ when done.

Now, we'll customize the delay. You can set the delay in minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months.

However, we will keep this WooCommerce per-product email sequence for 30 minutes. So, the automation will trigger 30 minutes after the order is delivered.

customizing the delay of 30 minutes

Click on 'Save' when done.

Step 4: Add conditions to send specific emails per product

Now, let’s tweak the conditions.

Click on Condition and add the product(s) on which you want to run your WooCommerce custom per product email sequence.

You can choose any one of the three conditions:

  • Matches any of
  • Matches exactly
  • Matches none of

Now, add the product. After adding the product, click on ‘Save’.

adding a conditional product

Further, you need to define what happens when the condition is met and when the condition is not met.

This WooCommerce per-product email sequence will run only when the defined product is purchased from the checkout page. Otherwise, you can set it as Exit.

If the condition is met, you can add an Action.

Step 5: Create your WooCommerce custom product-specific email

Now, we’ll design our WooCommerce different email per product here.

Since you will send this email 30 minutes after the product is delivered to the customer, draft the email copy accordingly.

Appreciate the customer’s purchase choice. Send them a video tutorial about how to unbox the item and things to remember before the first use.

You can even send them a cross-selling email and recommend products they might like.

With FunnelKit Automations Pro, you get a visual builder - a drag-and-drop email builder - to create beautiful product-specific emails.

Select Visual Builder (New) and click ‘Edit’ to start designing your emails.

Select visual builder and edit to customize woocommerce custom emails per product

You get access to various pre-designed email templates that can be imported with a single click and customized as you please.

There are email templates for every case, like abandoned carts, sales campaigns, product recommendations, WooCommerce transactional emails, winback emails, and more.

We’ll import the post-purchase education email template.

Pre-designed woocommerce custom emails per product templates

You can drag and drop your content blocks—headings, text, images, videos, and more—to make your emails look on-brand. 

You can add your business logo, change the background color, include pre-built layouts, and more.

Design beautiful woocommerce custom emails per product

👉 Learn how you can customize your WooCommerce emails here.

Hit 'Save' when done and activate your automation on your WooCommerce website.

Activate the woocommerce custom emails per product automation

This is how you can send your customers WooCommerce custom emails per product.

How to Send WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product Category to Customers?

Send per product category emails to your WooCommerce customers to offer product recommendations, custom order confirmation emails, and more.

Let's look at how you can send emails for a specific product category:

Step 1: Add the product category condition

Add the ‘Ordered Products Categories ' condition once you select the 'Order Created' event.

Add the ordered products categories section

Next, put the category name in the value field.

Specify the product category

Hit 'Save' once you're done.

Step 2: Write a WooCommerce custom email per product category

Under the If-Yes condition, add the ‘Send Email’ action.

Add the send email action

Now, you can write your custom email for a specific product category.

Write the woocommerce custom emails per product

Click on ‘Save’ when done.

This is how you can send your customers WooCommerce emails per product category.

What Kind of Per Product WooCommerce Emails Can You Send?

You can send different types of post-purchase product-specific emails. Some of the most popular ones are:

  • Educational emails

Some products need to be handled with care when first used. 

That’s why, in such cases, you can send an email educating the customer about how to unbox the item properly and set it up for the best use.

For example - table lamps, razors, beard trimmers, etc.

  • Review collection emails

Reviews and testimonials are a trust seal for prospective buyers considering buying something.

93% of buyers have confirmed that reviews and testimonials are convincing in their buying decisions. (Globe Newswire)

Set up a review collection email sequence and ask - what they like, what they don’t like, whether the product matches their expectations and more.

  • Winback emails

If you sell consumable products, you must implement a WooCommerce custom email per-product sequence because there is a high chance that your customers will forget about the products and might need a push to buy from you again.

This is where a winback campaign can work wonders.

  • Cross-selling emails

You can cross-sell your products to customers who recently purchased from your store.

For example, if someone has bought shoes, you can set up a product recommendation email sequence for cross-selling shoe polish, socks, etc.

You can customize these cross-selling emails by sending them a dynamic discount coupon to incentivize their next purchase.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. With FunnelKit Automations, you can do much more by sending automated WooCommerce custom per-product email sequences.

Are You Ready to Boost Your Sales with WooCommerce Custom Emails Per Product?

Sending personalized emails—especially per-product emails—can improve email engagement and help you build a good relationship with your customers.

You can even create dynamic discount coupons for premium product buyers and encourage repeat purchases.

With FunnelKit Automations, you do it all - create WooCommerce per product email sequences for more of your products, offer discounts, collect reviews, add new orders to Google Sheets to track them, and so much more.

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.