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WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor: How To Customize Your Checkout Form Without Code

Editorial Team
August 19, 2024
WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor: How To Customize Your Checkout Form Without Code

Looking for a WooCommerce checkout field editor to modify the fields on your checkout page?

As a WooCommerce user, you may have several requirements from your checkout page.

You may want to remove some fields, add custom fields, change their order, or even divide your checkout process into multiple steps.

But making any of these changes in WooCommerce requires you to write custom code or copy snippets.

Needless to say, this makes checkout form customization hard.

Not anymore. We’ll show how you can customize the form fields on your checkout page without a code.

Let's start.

Why Do You Need a WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor?

Let’s look at the default WooCommerce checkout page that you may be using right now:

Default woocommerce checkout page

But as you can notice, this page is not optimized for conversions. Here's why:

  • The email is not the first field
  • The form looks long and asks for all the details in one step only
  • You cannot modify the item quantity or delete specific items
  • The cart item images aren't displayed
  • You can't add any custom fields to collect information that your business may require

On the other hand, take a look at this checkout page:

Optimized WooCommerce Checkout Page with edited checkout form fields

As you can see, it is perfectly optimized for conversions. The following page has:

  • Logically arranged form fields: As you can see, important form fields such as email is placed at the top. This helps you collect emails in real-time.
  • Multi-step checkout: The checkout process is split into multiple steps with the progress indicator bar at the top.
  • Clear depictions: Item image, name, and quantity with the total listed properly in a clear manner.
  • Separate sections: The shipping address is on the first step followed by other details on the next step.
  • Coupon section: The coupon code field is visible and placed under order details.
  • Express checkout: Express pay buttons are right at the top allowing users to check out faster.

Being able to customize the checkout fields allows you to have a flexible and smooth checkout process. This leads to higher conversions.

3 Best Checkout Field Editor Plugins for WooCommerce

Out of all the WooCommerce checkout field editors and managers available, we have shortlisted the 3 plugins.

The reason we’ve chosen these plugins is by evaluating them on these parameters:

  • Ease of use
  • Customization without code
  • Advanced functionalities for a seamless checkout experience
  • Value for money

Let’s explore these plugins.

1. FunnelKit Funnel Builder

FunnelKit helps you set up optimized sales funnels for your WooCommerce store. You can create high-converting opt-in pages, sales pages, checkout, one-click upsells, and even thank-you pages.

Plus, you can use any page builder to set up your sales funnels.

Diving deeper into this WooCommerce checkout manager plugin, you get the ability to modify your checkout fields.

FunnelKit’s checkout field editor for WooCommerce allows you to drag and drop to rearrange sections and fields within sections on the WooCommerce checkout page.

Using FunnelKit, you can offer a lot of options to your prospects using the products field.

FunnelKit's WooCommerce checkout field editor

Here are some of the excellent features of its checkout field editor:

  • Adding custom fields - Easily add custom fields to your WooCommerce checkout form along with validations. This will help you know your customers better.
  • Rearrange fields and sections - It lets you rearrange the fields and sections on your checkout form using the drag-and-drop feature.
  • Edit the checkout form fields - Get complete flexibility to edit checkout fields.  You can edit any of your checkout form fields such as billing and shipping address, products field, etc.
  • Advanced checkout fields - Use advanced custom fields in your checkout form. These include text areas, radio buttons, checkboxes, HTML, password fields, etc.

You can’t get a more powerful checkout page builder than FunnelKit.

2. Checkout Field Editor by WooCommerce

This checkout plugin lets you optimize your checkout page by adding, editing, or removing the fields as per your needs.

The Checkout Field Editor by WooCommerce lets you add custom fields such as text, select, checkboxes and date pickers.

The plugin lets you rearrange fields and give you control over your checkout page.

Woo Checkout Field Editor by WooCommerce

Here are some of its top features:

  • Add custom fields - Add custom fields to your checkout form. Checkout Field Editor by WooCommerce provides different fields like text, radio buttons, checkboxes, date pickers, and more.
  • Send custom field data - Send your custom field data to another website/app via Webhooks API. However, it requires you to do custom coding.
  • Modify checkout form fields - Edit, reset and remove the form fields on your checkout page. You can easily modify the text and preferences based on your needs.

It’s a WooCommerce extension plugin that lets you modify the fields in your default WooCommerce checkout page. However, it lacks a modern interface.

3. Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce

You can easily customize the checkout form fields with this checkout plugin.

This checkout editor plugin comes with various custom fields and the ability to edit, rearrange and delete existing fields.

Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce

Here are some additional features that you get:

  • Add custom fields to checkout - Add custom form fields to your checkout such as password, phone number, radio, text area, etc.
  • Set display rules - Configure the condition to display your custom fields on the checkout form.
  • Set validations - Set custom validations on your checkout form fields.

It works in modifying the fields of your default checkout page in WooCommerce. However, it lacks an intuitive interface and inability to set up custom checkout pages.

Our Expert's Verdict

Out of all the checkout field editors for WooCommerce, our experts recommend you to use the FunnelKit Checkout.

Being a complete funnel builder and checkout manager plugin, FunnelKit easily gets one step ahead to bring you high conversions to your business.

Creating beautiful checkouts, incorporating checkout optimization and setting up targeted offers. Everything is possible with FunnelKit.

FunnelKit unleashes your ability to customize the WooCommerce checkout experience for your shoppers. And that too without writing any custom codes!

Let’s understand how you can use its checkout field editor to set up an effective checkout page in WooCommerce.

How to Customize the WooCommerce Checkout Form Fields using FunnelKit?

You can create the entire custom checkout page with FunnelKit. But in this section, we’ll look at how to customize and modify the checkout form fields.

This will help you understand the ability of our WooCommerce checkout field editor perfectly.

Follow these 5 easy steps to customize the WooCommerce checkout form fields with FunnelKit:

Step 1: Install and activate FunnelKit

Get a copy of FunnelKit’s Funnel Builder.

Please note that FunnelKit comes both in the free version as well as pro version. However, we’ll use the Pro version for extensive features.

Follow the instructions here to install and activate the Funnel Builder plugin.

Step 2: Add a sales funnel with the checkout page

To start with, you’ll need to add a checkout page.

Go to FunnelKit - Funnels and hit 'Create New Funnel'.

Go to Funnels and hit the create new funnel button

You’ll get directed to the templates page. Here you can see the templates of sales funnels and lead funnels.

Let’s click on the Livewire checkout template here.

Checkout templates from FunnelKit

Here, you’ll be able to see a full preview of your checkout funnel.

1. Select the number of steps you want on your checkout

2. Import the template by clicking on the 'Import This Funnel' button

3. Then finally, name your funnel.

Import and name your sales funnel - woocommerce checkout field editor

Clicking on 'Done' will create this funnel along with the checkout and thank you page.

Step 3: Customize the checkout with FunnelKit’s WooCommerce checkout field editor

Click on the name of your checkout page to start editing it.

Edit the checkout page

It’ll direct you to the Design tab where you can customize the checkout page. You can change its design, content, style, and more such settings.

There are many widgets available such as Checkout Form and Mini Cart to set up your checkout page the way you want.

On the Design tab, scroll down to the 'Checkout Form Fields' section to witness the real power of FunnelKit’s checkout field editor in WooCommerce.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - FunnelKit design tab and scroll down to the checkout form fields section

You'll see the steps you’ve selected when importing your checkout funnel along with default fields.

FunnelKit's WooCommerce checkout field editor gives you the complete flexibility to add new steps, rearrange sections, fields, etc.

Add a section to WooCommerce checkout form

To add any section, click on the Add Section button.

Enter the section name, subheading and classes for this section.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - adding a new section to the checkout form

Clicking on 'Add Section' will add the new section to your checkout form.

Add a custom WooCommerce checkout field

FunnelKit’s checkout field editor for WooCommerce lets you add custom fields to your checkout.

Click on the ‘Add New Field’ button to create a new checkout form field.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - click on the add new field button

Our WooCommerce checkout field editor from FunnelKit lets you choose your field type from the drop-down menu.

It can be a single-line text, checkbox, radio button, HTML, multi-select, paragraph, dropdown, password, etc.

As an example, we have created a radio field with the label, field ID, and radio options to store your customers' responses.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - Adding a new custom field

Once done, click on ‘Add’ to create this custom field.

Drag and drop the custom WooCommerce checkout field under the section

Using the WooCommerce checkout field editor, drag and drop the custom field you’ve created under the section you want.

Hit ‘Save Changes’ to lock in the changes you made. Click on the ‘View’ button to preview your checkout.

Preview of the custom field on the woocommerce checkout page

It’ll allow you to see the changes done at the front end.

Rearrange the WooCommerce checkout fields and sections

FunnelKit lets you rearrange the fields and sections on your checkout page.

All it takes is a simple drag and drop. Drag the field or section you want to move and drop it to place them there.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - Rearranging the fields and sections

You can effortlessly rearrange your WooCommerce checkout form fields and sections with FunnelKit.

Here, we have kept the information of the customer and shipping address on the first step. And the WooCommerce payments field on the last step.

Edit the WooCommerce checkout field

Clicking on any field will let you edit that specific field of your checkout form.

Let’s say you want to edit the email field.

To do so, hover on the field and click to edit.

click to edit checkout field

Then, you can update the label and placeholder and choose if it should be required or optional.

edit checkout field

This way, you can edit all the checkout fields.

Hide or disable any checkout field

You can hide or disable any field if needed. For instance, if you'd like to remove the company option from the shipping or billing address, simply click on the field to edit it and then hit the eye button to disable it.

Note: If the eye button is clear, the field is enabled. If it shows a strike-through line, the field is disabled or hidden.

hide company field in WooCommerce checkout

Further, you can enable or disable the “use a different shipping address” section. It gives users an option to enter a billing address different from the shipping one.

add a different address in checkout

Make sure to hit the 'Update' button when done.

Deleting a WooCommerce checkout field or section

FunnelKit lets you remove any fields and sections that you don’t want on your checkout page.

To delete a specific section, click on the bin icon:

WooCommerce checkout field editor - Deleting a section of your choice

Furthermore, if you want to remove a specific field, click on the cross button next to that field.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - Deleting the checkout form field

Click on ‘Save’ once you’re done.

Product customization using the checkout fields editor

Click on the ‘Products’ field to start editing.

WooCommerce checkout field editor - Editing the products field

We have added variable products to the checkout. It includes one single product and a combo offer.

When customizing this field, you can write a brief about your offer below the product.

Editing the products field - writing title of your products on product-specific checkout in the woocommerce checkout field editor

FunnelKit’s WooCommerce checkout field editor lets you write descriptions for your product.

Go to the 'Description' tab and find the product you want.

Editing the products field - writing product description on product-specific checkout

You can even add the 'Best Value' tag to your product by going to the Advanced tab.

Editing the products field - adding the best value tag

Here’s a quick view of how this looks on your checkout page:

Updated WooCommerce checkout page preview with woocommerce checkout field editor

This is how you can use FunnelKit’s checkout field editor to customize different sections and fields for a faster checkout process. More importantly, the job is done without coding.

Step 4: Edit the remaining pages in your funnel

Make sure to edit the remaining pages in your sales funnel.

Feel free to add order bumps and one-click upsells to boost the order value in your store.

Next, customize your thank you page and keep the conversation going.

Move on to the next step when you’re done.

Step 5: Publish the store checkout to make it live

Once everything is done, go back to your funnel.

Click on the draft button and hit Publish.

Publish the store checkout

This will make your store checkout active and running.

Well done! You’ve successfully optimized your checkout page by effectively modifying your WooCommerce checkout fields.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor

Find answers to the most common questions asked related to WooCommerce checkout fields.

How do I edit checkout fields in WooCommerce?

You can edit the checkout fields in WooCommerce by going to the Fields tab under the checkout page in FunnelKit. Click on the respective field to start editing your checkout field.

How do I add custom fields to WooCommerce checkout?

You can add custom fields to your WooCommerce checkout by clicking on the ‘Add Field’ button in FunnelKit.

Select the type of field, label, field ID, required value, etc. Once done, click on ‘Add Field’ to create the new field. 

How do I change the checkout field text in WooCommerce?

You can change the checkout field text in WooCommerce with the help of FunnelKit. Go to the Fields tab under your checkout page and click on the specific field. 

Change the label text of your checkout field and save the changes. This will modify the checkout field text.

How do I create an advanced custom field?

You can create advanced custom fields by going to the Fields tab in FunnelKit. All you have to do is hit the ‘Add Field’ button. 

Choose the advanced custom fields under the field type. You can select radio, password, checkbox, multi-select, dropdown, HTML, and more. 

Enter the label and related data, and your advanced custom field is ready to be used.

Can I customize my WooCommerce checkout page?

Yes, you can easily customize your WooCommerce checkout page with FunnelKit. It has various checkout page templates that can be easily customized with any page builder. 

Plus, you can also create custom checkouts such as one-page checkout, multi-step checkout, etc. as per your requirements.

🔔 Note: If your question is not listed here, feel free to ask us by contacting our Support Team.

Further, you can also join our Facebook group or YouTube channel for more such revenue-boosting tips and tricks.

Ready to Use FunnelKit’s WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor to Encourage Quick Purchase?

Using FunnelKit, you can set up a faster buying process for your users in no time.

The plugin makes it easy for store owners to modify fields and sections within the checkout process.

Thus, you can use FunnelKit’s WooCommerce checkout field editor to quicken the checkout process.

Plus, with the Funnel Builder, you can also create high-converting sales funnels such as opt-ins, checkouts, one-click upsells and thank you pages.

It’s a must-have tool to bring more sales than ever before!

Are you ready to customize your WooCommerce checkout fields and save your shoppers valuable time?

Author: Editorial Team
The Editorial Team at FunnelKit (formerly WooFunnels) is a passionate group of writers and copy editors. We create well-researched posts on topics such as WordPress automation, sales funnels, online course creation, and more. We aim to deliver content that is interesting and actionable.