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One Click Upsells

Custom Designs Using Shortcodes

What are Shortcodes?

You may want to build custom-designed upsell pages using custom page builders such as Thrive Themes, Beaver Builder, etc.

In this scenario, shortcodes come in handy. You can use shortcodes to build custom upsell pages.

Once you select and save a custom page in the offer's Design. Shortcodes will be dynamically generated for this offer.

custom upsell page using shortcodes

You can use these shortcodes on the selected page.

A few points to note before you start building custom pages using shortcodes:

1) Only a unique page can be associated with a single offer design. If you had previously associated a page with one offer do not associate that same page with another offer. If done so, old shortcodes on that page won't work.

2) The keys in each shortcode are generated dynamically when you associate a page with an offer. Please ensure that these keys are not changed and used as it is. You can use the "copy" function to copy these keys.

Offer shortcodes

List of Shortcodes

Product Offer Accept Link

Displays the link to accept the offer


  • key: Generated dynamically (required)
  • label: The label of the link (optional)
  • class: Additional CSS class you may want to pass (optional)

Sample Output

Product Offer Reject  Link

Displays the link to reject the offer


  • key: Generated dynamically (required)
  • label: The label of the link (optional)
  • class: Additional CSS class you may want to pass (optional)

Sample Output

Product Offer Variation Selector

Displays the dropdown variation selector of the product in offer.



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

 Sample Output

Product Offer Price 

Displays the discounted price of the product in offer.



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Product Regular Price

Displays the regular price of the product in offer.



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Product Price HTML  

Displays the regular and discounted price with strikethrough on the regular price.



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Product Offer Save Amount

Displays difference of Regular Price and Discount Price (or savings amount)



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Product Offer Save Percentage

Displays the percentage of savings



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Product Offer Save value & Percentage

This display saving amount and percentage in format  $x (y%)



  • key: Generated dynamically (required)

Sample Output

Order Personalization Shortcodes

To personalize upsell pages with different order attributes, use these merge tags-

Customer First Name

[wfocu_order_data key="customer_first_name"]

Customer Last Name

[wfocu_order_data key="customer_last_name"]

Order Number

[wfocu_order_data key="order_no"]

Order Date

[wfocu_order_data key="order_date"]

Order Total

[wfocu_order_data key="order_total"]

Order Item Count

[wfocu_order_data key="order_itemscount"]

Order Shipping Method

[wfocu_order_data key="order_shipping_method"]

Order Billing Country

[wfocu_order_data key="order_billing_country"]

Order Shipping Country

[wfocu_order_data key="order_shipping_country"]

Product Single Unit Price

[wfocu_product_single_unit_price key="1"]

That's it! This is how you can use shortcodes to build your custom upsell pages.

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