If you want to add country-specific checkout fields for Brazil, you need to install a third-party plugin Brazilian Market on WooCommerce By Claudio Sanches (Brazilian Market on WooCommerce). You can download it from WordPress.org.
After installing and configuring the plugin, extra Shipping and Billing fields will be added to the Checkout form.
The following fields will be available:
- Number
- Neighborhood (Bairro)
- Person Type
- CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas)
- CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica)
- RG (Registro Geral)
- Postal Code (CEP)
- Cell Phone
Once you install it, you will find these fields under the "Billing Fields" on the Design tab of the checkout form.

These fields are fully flexible to rearrange the position and width of the input field. On browser

Few Settings to make this functional
1. Keep the Billing Address first before the Shipping address
2. Keep Company field *optional* in FunnelKit checkout form fields
Hit the billing field and keep the company field optional.

On Person Type Field -
Legal Person option selection - Company Field will display within the Checkout form.
On Person Individual option selection - Company field would be auto hide.
This shows how FunnelKit is compatible with WooCommerce Extra Checkout Fields for Brazil.