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Checkout Pages

Customer Support

In this documentation, you'll learn how to edit the Customer Support section on a Checkout page.

Here's what we're going to edit:

Customer support section

Step 1: Go to the 'Design' tab in Checkout

Click on the 'Edit Template' button to edit the template using Elementor.

Editing the checkout page

Step 2: Click on the pencil icon in the Customer Support section to edit it

On the left-hand side panel, you'll get the option to customize the Customer Support section the way you want.

Edit the heading of customer support section

You can edit the heading, sub-heading, image, designation, and more from here.

When you're done, hit the 'Update' button to make your changes live.

Click on Update to save all your changes

Here's the final output:

This is how you can edit the Customer Support section on the Checkout page.
