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Checkout Pages

How to Replace Default WooCommerce Checkout with FunnelKit Checkout Page?

You can set the FunnelKit Checkout page as the default page for all your products.

1) Create a New FunnelKit Checkout page

To override the default checkout page of your theme, create a new FunnelKit Checkout page.

Since you'll be replacing it with the default checkout, there is no need to add any products to it.

2) Override the default WooCommerce checkout with the FunnelKit Checkout page

From the WordPress dashboard, navigate to FunnelKit > Global Settings.

Select your Aero Checkout page, which you want to set as a shop default checkout.

override default checkout

3) Save the Settings

Press the Save Settings button to keep the settings.

This is how you can replace your default WooCommerce checkout with the FunnelKit checkout page.
