The next-gen automation builder has created the Contacts tab where you can view different tasks for a specific automation.
Here you can see all the records of automations that are currently active, completed, paused, or failed for your WooCommerce store or WordPress website.
You can view all the actions that have been taken, such as abandoned cart recovery email, product purchase email, tags added, WordPress user added/removed, and so on.
This particular section helps you troubleshoot your automation for a possible debug.
Here, you’ll be able to see the following stats of your tasks.
- Active - View all the active or scheduled tasks running within the automation
- Completed - All the completed tasks will show under this tab
- Paused - See the paused tasks for this automation here in this tab
- Failed - Get details of your failed tasks for specific automation

Along with each of these tasks, you’ll be able to see the details of your contacts here:
- Contact
- Details
- Started On
- Last Run
- Next Run Time
- Status
- View Journey
This way you will be able to know the status and track each run of your automations.
Further, you can select the contact and run, pause or exit the automation instantly.
Here’s how you can instantly run an automation task:

Please note that your action will get scheduled first.
That was all about the Contacts tab in FunnelKit Automations’s next-gen automation builder.