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FunnelKit Automations

Testing Link Triggers with Automations

In this documentation, we will test our link triggers (set up in the previous documentation) by creating an automation here.

Go to Automations to create a new automation.

If you are new to FunnelKit Automations, click here for more detailed instructions on how to design a new automation.

Step 1: Select an event

Select an event that will trigger this automation.

Here, we have selected the “tag added” as our event. We’ve also specified a particular tag for contacts that we’ll be targeting with this automation.

Step 2: Select the action

We will send an email to our contacts. 

Select send email as the action and write the email body.

You can even use the built-in enhanced visual email builder to design beautiful emails.

Insert the specific link triggers - beginner, intermediate and advanced to these options.

To do that, copy the link trigger from the link trigger page:

And, paste into the hyperlinks of the email:

Once you’ve interlinked all the link triggers, activate your automation by clicking on the toggle.

This will activate your automation.

Testing the Link Triggers

To test the link triggers, send a test email to a contact.

Users will receive the following email:

Whenever a user clicks on a particular link, they will be redirected to the URL you have specified.

You can see the updated stats of the Link Trigger in FunnelKit Automations:

Well done! You have successfully created and tested the Link Triggers in FunnelKit Automations.
