Ontraport is a business automation tool for many businesses that use it to perform tasks such as managing contacts, setting up marketing automation, eCommerce and reporting.
You can connect Ontraport with FunnelKit Automations to set up marketing automations to achieve your use cases.
Here’s how you can connect Ontraport to FunnelKit Automations.
Step 1: Login to your Ontraport account
Go to Ontraport and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Go to Administration
Under profile, go to Administration.

Step 3: Open Ontraport API instructions and Key Manager
From the Integrations tab on the left sidebar, click on Ontraport API Instructions and Key Manager.

Step 4: Copy the App ID and API key
Create a new API key.

Enter the information asked in the next step.
Then, enable the API key permissions.

Click on Save when done.
Your App ID and API Key will get generated.

Copy both the App ID and API Key.
Step 5: Paste the keys in FunnelKit Automations
Go to the Connectors tab under FunnelKit Automations.

Under Ontraport, click on Connect.

Paste the App ID and API key here.

Click on Connect when done.
Your Ontraport account will get successfully connected to FunnelKit Automations.

That’s it! You’ve successfully connected Ontraport to FunnelKit Automations.
You can read our documentation on how to perform specific trigger-based actions in FunnelKit Automations from your Ontraport account.