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FunnelKit Automations

Merge Tags

Merge Tags are the personalized codes that bring in dynamic data values.

You can use merge tags within Automations and Broadcasts to effectively communicate with your contacts.

FunnelKit Automations has two types of merge tags:

Let's look at each one of them below.

Contact-based Merge Tags

These are the core merge tags that are available in every Automations and Broadcasts.

Here are the core merge tags available in FunnelKit Automations:

Contact related merge tags
  • contact_id - User ID of the contact
  • contact_country - Country the contact belongs
  • contact_email - Contact's email
  • contact_field - Custom field under a contact's profile
  • contact_firstname - Contact's first name
  • contact_lastname - Contact's last name
  • contact_phone - Contact's phone number
  • contact_purchased_product_category - Product category that the contact has purchased from
  • contact_products_purchased - Products that the contact has purchased
  • contact_state - State that the contact belongs
  • contact_city - City that the contact belongs to
  • wc_dynamic_coupon - Create a dynamic coupon code
  • admin_email - Administrator's email
  • business_address - Business address
  • business_name - Business name
  • current_datetime - Current date and time
  • store_url - URL of the store
  • store_name - Name of the store
  • unsubcribe_link - Link to unsubscribe the promotional emails
  • user_language - Language that the contact is fluent in
  • reorder_last_order_url - A contact's last order URL, which they can use to reorder the same products
  • contact_password_setup_link - Use this merge tag to reset the password of a contact's account

Using Fallback

You can add a parameter {{fallback="value"}} and it will replace this text with the missing value.

For example, if you use Hi {{contact_first_name fallback="there"}}, then wherever the first name of any contact is missing, it'll say "Hi there".

Event-based Merge Tags

Event-based merge tags show when a certain event is selected.

For example, if you select a new order gets created on WooCommerce, it'll list these merge event-based tags:

  • create_coupon - Create dynamic coupon codes
  • customer_custom_field - Custom field of the customer
  • customer_email - Customer's email address
  • customer_first_name - First name of the customer
  • customer_full_name - Full name of the customer
  • customer_last_name - Last name of the customer
  • customer_phone - Customer's phone number
  • customer_postcode - Customer's postal area code
  • customer_state - Customer's state address
  • customer_user_id - User ID of the customer
  • customer_username - Username of the customer
  • customer_order_count - Number of orders placed by the customer
  • customer_total_spent - Amount of money spent on a particular order by the customer
  • order_billing_address - Billing address of the customer
  • order_billing_company - Billing address of the company
  • order_billing_phone - Billing phone number
  • order_cross_sells - Cross sells for the particular order
  • order_currency - Currency used to place the order
  • order_customer_note - Customer note added to a particular order
  • order_data - Access custom order fields
  • order_date - Date when the order is placed
  • order_id - Order ID
  • order_items_total_count - Total items in a particular order
  • order_items - Items in a particular order. Select template like product grid - 2 and 3 columns, product rows, order summary layout, list with comma separated products, product IDs with comma separated.
  • order_related_products - Related products for items in a particular order
  • order_payment_method - Payment method used when placing the order
  • order_number - Order Number
  • order_shipping_cost - Shipping cost included in an order
  • order_subtotal - Subtotal value of an order
  • order_tax - Tax value in an order

As you integrate other plugins and CRMs, you'll explore other merge tags which can be used in FunnelKit Automations.
