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FunnelKit Automations

Send a Double Optin Email when Creating a Contact through Webhooks

Let’s say you create a contact through a webhook and want to send a verification (double opt-in) email.

You can easily do that with FunnelKit Automations.

In this documentation, we will look at how you can send a double opt-in email when creating contacts through webhook.

Setting Up the Automation

Step 1: Set up the Webhook Received Event

Here, we have configured this webhook to receive data from another website.

You can refer to this documentation on how to send and receive data with webhooks.

Send some test data and click on Receive Webhook to receive it.

The data here gets received! This means that the webhook is successfully configured.

Make sure to map the email field.

Step 2: Add the action to create your contact

Select the Create Contact under FunnelKit Automations as the action.

Click on Done.

Step 3: Configure the fields of the contact

Use the Webhook Data merge tag to enter the fields:

Now copy and paste the merge tags of the email, first name, and last name of the contact.

Set the contact status to Unverified because we will be verifying it using the double-opt-in.

Step 4: Set up link trigger for the verification link

Go to Tools ⇨ Link Triggers and add a link trigger of changing the contact status to “Subscribed”.

Click on Save.

Copy the Trigger URL of this Link Trigger.

Read this detailed document on how to set up link triggers in FunnelKit Automations.

Step 5: Send an email with the Trigger URL

Add a Send email action to the sequence and include the Trigger URL within the email body.

That’s it! You have successfully created the needed workflow for this use case.

Activate the automation to make it live.

Testing the Automation

FunnelKit Automations will create the contact using the webhooks: 

Then, they will receive this email in their mailbox:

Upon clicking this link, the contact status will get changed to Subscribed.

This is how you can use a double opt-in email for new contacts with FunnelKit Automations.
